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The Grinning Man


In November 2024, we delved into the mesmerising  world of "The Grinning Man" at the New Wimbledon Studio. Based on the captivating Victor Hugo novel, this visually stunning and emotionally charged musical combines elements of dark fairy tales, love, and redemption to create an unforgettable theatrical experience.

Book by: Carl Grose

Music by:  Tom Phillips & Marc Teitler

Lyrics by: Carl Grose, Tom Morris, Tom Philips & Marc Teitler  

Arrangements & Orchestrations by: Tom Phillips & Marc Teitler 

This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals




​Grinpayne: Joe McWilliam
Dea: Abbie Minnock
Ursus: Johan Samuelsson
Barkilphedro: Will Garrood
Duchess Josiana: Kate Landy
Lord David Dirry-Moir: Tom Harper
Queen Angelica: Laura Marshall
Osric/ Mojo: Alex Blackie
Mojo: Miranda Evans
Lord Trelaw: Jamie Wright
Mother: Beth Owen
Woman in the Snow/ Quake: September Taliana-Carey
Kupsak: Amy Allen
King Clarence: Julian Briscoe



Creative Team

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Jamie Miller Hughes

Musical Director 
Eve Millward

Movement Director 
Kim Sch

Associate Director
Kathryn Felton

This fearless foursome have bucket loads of experience that will bring this gothic fairytale to life.

Jamie Miller-Hughes (Director) and Kathryn Felton (Associate Director) will lead the team. Jamie previously directed our 2022 production of Sister Act, whilst Kathryn recently directed ‘Big Fish’ for Cygnet Players.

They’re joined by Eve Milward as Musical Director, and Kim Schenkelaars as Movement Director! Eve steps into the role fresh from MDing our October production of ‘Little Show of Horrors’ whilst Kim most recently choreographed Sister Act!

No strangers to the London Am Dram scene, we can’t wait to see what this fantastic team do with this new and innovative show.

Artwork: by Alex Blackie

©2022 by Wimbledon Light Opera Society

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